The Stitcher's Garden
Ardith Designs Disco Chicks
153 stitches wide by stitches 51 high. Each ornament is approx. 50 stitches square
32 count Blue Moon Linen
DMC Threads:
45002 (DMCB5200), 45014 (DMC 012), 45018 (DMC 16), 45021 (DMC 019), 45028 (DMC 26), 45246 (DMC 893), 45268 (DMC922), 45298 (DMC 964), 45302(DMC 972), 45303 (DMC 973), 45421 (DMC 3824)
3 black beads for eyes, size 11 and GlaMore metallic 12 weight floss GM7126