The Stitcher's Garden
Summer House Stitche Workes Fragments in Time 2024 No. 1 of 8
Stitch Count: Individual Fragments are 51 x 51
Stitched with border pattern: 245 (w) x 125 (h)
Fabric: Models stitched on 40 ct. Colonial Parchment from Fabrics by Stephanie. They will stitch just fine on 32 ct. A fat quarter is needed for doing all eight Fragments individually or with the border.
Floss: From Classic Colorworks & Weeks Dye Works - [DMC conversion}
CC Fresh Brew [DMC 801]
CC London Fog [DMC 413]
CC Deep Blue Sea [DMC 932]
WDW Bright Leaf [DMC 3826]
WDW Red Rocks [DMC 355}
WDW Grasshopper [DMC 733]
WDW Moss [DMC 580]
WDW Linen [DMC 3866]
WDW Collards [DMC 936]
WDW Curry [3820]
WDW Pewter [Varigated - no conversion possible]